Rescued (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times / January 26, 2010)
U.S. Army Spc. Nelson Whitney of the 82nd Airborne Division assists a severely dehydrated man who was pulled out of the rubble of a collapsed building in downtown Port-au-Prince. It is unknown whether he had been trapped for two weeks or much longer since the original earthquake.
A woman who had been trapped under rubble for nearly a month in a collapsed building in Port-au-Prince was brought to the new YWAM medical centre here in St Marc. She had x-rays taken at the local hospital, which indicated that she had a fractured pelvis. She was lying on the floor in the medical centre on a sheet (as there are no beds or chairs available yet for the patients) when she began enquiring of three children. She told staff that when she was trapped in the rubble, she had said to God that she would give her life to Jesus if she was allowed to survive. God had then given her a vision of three children who would pray with her, and if she repented of her sins and gave her life to Christ, then she would be healed. Well, when she descibed the three children - whom she had never met - they turned out to be Terry Snow's three children. Terry Snow is the national and YWAM base director for Haiti. The children were asked to visit the woman and her eyes lit up when she saw them. They prayed for her, and she did repent and give her life to Jesus!! Praise God! She said that she had experienced great resistance from Satan not to give up voodoo while she was praying. The woman immediately felt better and got up to walk around - slowly at first - then started dancing as she realised that her pain had gone! At first, the doctors didn't believe it, but there was no denying it; the woman was up and dancing without pain. The women were crying and the men were deeply moved (and trying not to cry in public!). God is working miracles here everyday!
Gisternag het die Sweedse reddingspan wat saam met ons ouens werk, 'n man wat rys gekoop het in die mark die middag van die aardbewing, uit die rommel gehaal. LEWENDIG. Hy was 'n maand lank begrawe! Hy was deurmekaar, totaal gedehidreerd en al die ander dinge wat met so iets gepaard gaan. Toe hy weer dinge begin verstaan en meer duidelik kon praat - na 'n paar uur noodhulp - het hy die heeltyd geprewel: "Waar is die man met die wit klere wat elke dag vir my water gebring het?"
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