Wednesday, May 27, 2009


The two spanials, Sandy & Jessie. ALSO bought by Rebert. From the six dogs he brought home five 'for us', then he leaves for the UK, come back, get another puppy, then leave again..!

Tuffy, when he was still in the land of the living.

Marnus Roodbol Photography Portfolio

Growling Leopard at Motswari Game Reserve, Mpumalanga

London 2008

Lisa just had to take me to this boat on the tiver Thames where they serve these 'chips'..! I was so hungry but were not able to finish this meal!
Tastes fantastic, although not crispy. Soft and tender inside. Wonder how many potatoes per portion?!

Chelsea Flower Show London May 2008

Chelsea Flower Show London May 2008

Also for sale [kids' tower house]:
These tents 'hang' from trees, making it safer for the British to even think of camping in the bush...!

Pictures taken either inside
or outside
the venue

Chelsea Flower Show London May 2008

They had all sort of exhibitions at the Chelsea Show. This typical 'Hans & Grietjie' dolls house made such an impact! The price to have one of these was steep - but some of the British people had enough to spend [in 2008!].

Chelsea Flower Show London May 2008

After our entrance to the Chelsea Flower Show, I 'met' this old guard and decided to get to know the 'man' better. Unfortunately he was very offish and did not seem like talking...! The man on the left [sitting] does not care or he's blind, but did not catch the joke. But he's real, for that matter!

Chelsea Flower Show London May 2008

With Rita [left, Lisa's mom] and Lisa [middle]. What an experience to travel through London's streets with a Polish girl pedalling the three of us! These rickshaws were waiting at the station when we got off to walk to the Chelsea Show. At a price, of course! Nothing for free in London.... I bought the Chelsea tickets a few months in advance - the minute ticket sales opened online 12:00 UK time. No tickets available at entrance and they're usually sold out online within a week. Lots of fraud before one enters the show: many youngsters want to sell 'tickets' to you [printed more or less like the original ticket] and once they disappear with the money you try to enter with no luck....! Luckily people are warned about this online as well as a big notice at the gate. But this happens all the time [every year] and I guess they do indeed catch tourists who come once off and who don't know better. But this is for sure not my last time - too much to see for a one day ticket [this I did not know]. Next year, perhaps.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Visiting Lisa [London] May 2008

I took this picture with Lisa in Camden Town London. This is the place with all the 'weirdo' shops and people! We decided to send this pic to Rebert via cell phone to ask him if he likes the dress Lisa was considering to buy? Of course we pulled his leg, but he SMS to say luckily he knows Lisa's dress sense is more stylish! Lisa's Greek - her parents are from Cyprus - but she was born in London. She used to work as manager for an up-market Italian leather shop [only leather jackets, gloves, shoes, handbags] in Chelsea - the place to shop and to be seen! She's a full time student now [2009].

London 2007

Marnus visited Rebert during botht their birthdays, 28/8/a nd 8/9 2007! Rebert took some leave to show his boet around. The two had some nice quality time. Since Rebert is living in London, they don't see much of each other, except to text and email - hard on our close knit family!

London Dec. 2006

Rudy and Brenda in one of the many squares during Christmas Time Dec 2006.
Visited with Rebert Scotland and Holland - a quick 2 week rendezvous... tiresome!

Scotland 2006

Rudy at Edinburgh Glass Factory Dec. 2006

Madame Toussard Wax Museum London

I asked Rebert to lie down and check what's underneath that famous 'bulging skirt' of Marilyn Munroe. I thought this will make a funny picture. People were gathering, laughing at Rebert getting down ons his back and when he emerged from underneath, the one guy asked: 'What did you see?' 'Nothing', Rebert replies. 'She wears a panty!'

Chart Tribute Show, UK

Rebert & Lisa at Lion Sands Mpumalanga

Marnus is Assistant Head Game Ranger

We had a fantastic few days, the 6 of us.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Marnus and Million [his tracker] - this pic
taken at one of the lodges he used to work.

Rebert with ouma Ger and oupa Adri
Roodbol Family at home.
Marnus , Travis, Rudy, Lilo, Brenda, Rebert, Tuffy...
Rudy, Travis and Lilo [Lilo aka Sowetan Lady...]. She's extremely fast and goes ga-ga over a ball. She can play for hours and hours - we're too afraid to carry on throwing the ball - she might die of a heart attack due to heat exhaustion...!
Rebert & Tuffy [in better days]. Tuffy fell out the vehicle while we were moving to Knysna [Cape]! Luckily Rudy saw this, stopped and went to pick him up [between nowhere and nowhere!]. A stretch of desolated road, nobody would have found him if Rudy did not see him...... We cried non-stop, he was out cold and we rushed to the next town to find a vet. We could not see any blood, but Tuffy did not respond. Unbevlievably nothing could be found wrong with him - as you can see!! A few years later two rottweillers from our neighbour killed him in our premises. Rebert was in London and pined for a long, long time.
Marnus decided on Travis when he went to the dog pound. His reason being 'nobody else will take care of his eyes or spend money for medicine'. Travis has the typical albino type eye lid found in many white dogs. And yes, he had a few courses of radiation in 2008, costing us [and Marnus] quite a pocketful! Even if we keep him out of the sun and do his eyes with a cortisone daily, he still had black legions suggestive of cancer. This was confirmed by a professor in Jnb. who treats cancer in animals. Travis is fine now! Barks too much, very protective and will bite whoever comes too close to me. His barking is a huge problem and I keep him indoors during the day!! A big nuisance, most of the time. But he's the toughest of them all and never complains when injected, daily eye cream, etc.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Chart Tribute Show UK

This was taken from the website
brochure / performance dates

The Chart Tribute Show UK

The Chart Tribute Show UK

Rebert [yellow striped shirt] performing in the UK - the musical performed all over England and Wales.