Monday, June 29, 2009

Cape Family Visit

With cousin Marietjie Madson-Leiboldt Cape
Town 29 June 2009

Douggie's eye filled with some kind of chemical poison due to small insect in the garden - Douggie
taken to animal hospital. Retina [eye] badly injured and they will keep him in intensive care
to administer drops every 2 hours 24/7. Vet. says it's extremely painful and feels like a bucket of sand in the eye... and Douggie kept on playing and still with healthy appetite. Vet. cannot even examine behind retina and will see what he can do today [30/6/2009]. Update later!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Baby in the womb

This picture was taken when a surgeon operated on a baby's heart while still in the womb. When the doctor made the incision and pulled the skin layers to one side, the baby's small hand appeared in the incision cut and curled around the doctor's finger, reaching out. I marvel at God's creation. I stand in awe and praise an awesome Creator, Who is also my heavenly Father. We are wonderfully made in His image.

Marnus Roodbol Photography Portfolio

Marnus Roodbol Photography Portfolio

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Dogs June 2009

Missy's first hair cut today at the salon!
8.5 months old > 18-6-2009

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

More info on the family businesses

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Harnas Wilflife Foundation and Rehabilitation - Namibia

Marnus [right] with two volunteers. Volunteers PAY to come and visit
on a volunteer's visa for a type of a working holiday/gap year. Visa for up to 3 months only, whereupon they leave, work some more [in their own country] and many of them return to Harnas for more fun and work. This is a voluntarily position at Harnas and they pay for their food and stay - up to R4,000 per WEEK each!

London Sept. 2007

Rebert ook a holiday to show
Marnus around London, Sept 2007

Brothers in London, Sept 2007

Marnus, on his birthday 8/9/2007 met up with big bro' Rebert in London [24 & 27 yrs age]

Harnas Wildlife Foundation and Rehabilitation - Namibia

Marnus with his cat-pal at the rehabilitation centre

Monday, June 15, 2009

Rudy and Douggie

Rudy's working on a tender, but Douggie wants some love [15 June 2009]

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Roodbol Family SA

Back, from left: Ronnie and wife Franci [living in Worcester, Western Cape]
Martin [the popular/loveable German amongst the Dutch!] & his wife Adeli
Martin and Adeli lives in Johannesburg and they have a baby boy, Andreas
Adeli holds Ronnie's son, Ivan [Ronnie's daughter, Nina, went to a friend]
Andre [Wesseloo] - his wife [Mieke] sits in front on the right hand side
Front: Father Ari Roodbol and mom Ger with Mieke [daughter]
Rudy took this picture of our get-together

Monday, June 8, 2009

Harnas Wildlife Foundation and Rehabilitation - Namibia

Marnus at his best and in his element > with wildlife, especially primates and cats.

Harnas released three leopards in the wild up to date and Marnus tracks them daily via antenna [by foot/vehicle] - the cats wear electronic collars - to check if they hunt themselves, are healthy, etc. The one caught meat two
days in succession and the guys went wild with excitement!

Check out hundreds photos by international volunteers [they work on the reserve and PAY R4,000 per week for the upkeep of the animals/sanctuary]. They have to have a volunteers' visa before they may enter Namibia and this is all arranged by Harnas. Usually 50 volunteers at a time! Lots of organization and a huge responsibility for Marnus every day; from 5:00 - 22:00

Aunty Driekie - our spiritual mom

Before she passed away I decided we'll have a picnic with her in the old age home. We spent a few hours and took a lot of photos. We have known aunty Driekie since 1977 and Rebert and Marnus grew up with another 'gran' in their lives. What a woman! So warm, gentle, generous, happy, satisfied, loveable, prayer warrior, kind, filled with God's wisdom and she also spoke Zulu fluently..... to name just a few of her many, many attributes. How we loved her. She was on her death bed when I bent over to chat a final time, thanked her for her presence in our lives, her love for the four of us and the fact that the kids will never forget her. She always wanted Rebert so sing 'There is a Redeemer' at her funeral but since he was in London when she passed away, I sang the song to her, sobbing. For a moment she opened her one eye ['the good one' as she always joked!] and we said goodbye - I could not stop kissing her. I felt like dying with her, to keep walking with her until we reach Father God together.... and not to leave her. People say they feel so alone when they know 'now is the time'. Driekie walked the walk of faith and goodness. She lived what she preached. She was our mentor and walked a straight and narrow path with great dignity and joy. i NEVER heard her complain, NEVER! She never had a place of her own and had only a few clothes but she's now clothed in her priestly gown, full of the glory of the Lord. She wears her crown as she sits with God the Father! Love you, aunty Driekie. More than you'd ever, ever know.... xxxx

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Pieter v Zyl 80's Party August 2008

Dogs Toy Poms Nov. 2008

Missy [above] born 30 Sept 2008 [6 weeks]
Douggie [right] born 21 Sept 2008 [7 weeks]

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Dogs June 2009

Princess Missy and Prince Douggie - 7 months

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

This might wake you up..!

Moses at the Olympics...

Even the Israelites walked for life..!
Oppie-grond Boere-Saaikology...
Wees altyd dankbaar vir alles wat jy het en lewe eenvoudig.
Hoe minder goeters jy het, hoe minder wharries het jy ...en hoe lekkerder slaap jy!
Wees onvoorwaardelik lief vir jou gesin en familie en aanvaar elkeen presies net soos hy/sy daar is ...vriende kan jy kies, familie nie!
Moenie toelaat dat jou brein muf met 'issues' soos onvergewensgesindheid, skuldgevoelens of grudges nie ...sorteer alle nonsens uit nog voor die son sak!
Hardloop jou lewens-spiedomitir in die rooi waar jy kan en lewe voluit terwyl jy nog lewe in jou het ...'use it - or lose it'!
Geniet die eenvoudige dinge.
Die 'image'-goed en 'keeping up with the Jones' is sommer ‘n pot snot ...hulle (die Jones') sit in elk geval nou in Ozzie.
Al wys die 'replay' duidelik dat hy verkeerd is ...maak vrede met die ref se beslissings en jy sal dadelik beter voel!
Vermy bedompige gyms wat stink na yuppie-spray waar hooter-neuse in snaakse Star Wars klere soos hamsters gevriesde fietse sit en trap ...kry oefening deur te gaan stap langs die see of in die veld of 'n rêrige fiets te ry ...doen iets in die buitelug, maar moenie in die strate op en af draf nie, dis 'common' en maak ander mense skuldig voel.
As jy 'n 'no-name brand' T-Shirt sien wat jy laaik, koop dit moer met die name-goed wat jy in elk geval nie kan bekostig nie – solank dit net gemaklik pas.
Laat andere maar hul geld mors op goed wat hulle vals selfvertroue in hul eie plestiek-wêreld gee!
Lag dikwels ...lank en lekker, dit hou jou gesond! Haal diep asem, drink meer water as wat jy moet en kou jou kos fyn. Eet meer van die goed wat mens pluk of uit die grond grawe.
Moet nooit alleen alkohol gebruik nie en wanneer jy ietsie vat ...hou matigheid voor oë ...ALTYD!
Behou jou grapgat vrinne en vermy die suurgatte ...hulle is 'demoralising' en trek jou af na hulle vlak.
Jou huis is jou plek en daar leef jy soos JY wil, to hell met die snobs ...en die beste kar is een wat klaar betaal is!
Stel God EERSTE en alle ander goed sal self in plek val ...hê geloof!
Sê vir jou mense dat jy vir hulle lief is, dat jy vir hulle omgee ...môre trek jy dalk jou hout-jas aan, dan's dit te laat!