Tuesday, November 2, 2010

My brief aan Casper Rasper....

Hey Cassie,

Ek verwys na jou email hieronder [wat jy aan iemand anders gestuur het].

Nee jong, dis jammer man, jy’t so arrogant geword dat jy in elk geval na niemand se raad luister nie. Seker nou genoeg geld en fame? Ons was daar toe jy ons nodig gehad het om op die been te kom. Ons as gesin lag nou nog oor jou manier van dinge sê, ons het al jou vorige DVD’s. Maar om darem te dink dis 1986 toe ons nog so narrow minded was, is eintlik ‘sad’. Dus, meen jy, ons moet ‘wyer’ dink, wat beteken vuiler dink en praat? Of wat? Moes ons beginsels verander het na die 80’s? Natuurlik eet ons nie als op wat die Regering[net ‘n voorbeeld] ons aandoen nie, jy beledig ons intellek as jy dink dat ons NIE ‘anders dink’ of die pad byster geraak het since whenever en dat jy aangestel is om ons die pad vorentoe aan te wys. Kyk, jou f’woordjie op sy tyd is steeds snaaks en baie van ons gebruik dit – jy kan hierby hou as dit in die teks pas, darem nie só erg nie. Die Prof. op Stellenbosch het in elk geval navorsing gedoen en gesien fok is ‘n Afrikaanse spreekwoord….

Nee man, jy’t altyd soveel moeite, navorsing en wie weet wat nog in elke show ingesit en dit so fantasties aangebied, dat ons geskreeu het van die lag, SONDER dat jy so gevloek het en vuil gepraat het. Ek dink aan die Jan van Riebeeck ‘lesing’, jy’t ons goed geleer wat ons nie geweet het nie. Het jy NODIG om jou ding vloekend te sê of praat jy in ieder geval so en weet nie van beter of weens ‘n tekort aan beter woordeskat? Indien dit jou praat-taal heeldag en –nag is, is dit weird. As jy met jou pals so chat, go ahead. Maar ons is jou vriende wat jou wil ondersteun omdat ons dink jy so original is. Omdat ons Cassie ons eie Afrikaanse komediant was. Omdat Cassie regtig so anders as die normale ou was en sy shows die moeite werd was om te kyk en DVD’s te koop en weer en weer by die huis dit te speel en weer en weer te lag.

Moet nie worry, ek sal nie my vet Christen vingertjie onder jou neus waai nie, die dood wag op ons almal. Mind you, jy hoef nie ‘n Christen te wees om vrot taal te verafsku nie. Maar jy spot met God en belaster Hom. En jou’ moer is suur’ as iemand, soos ekke, hierdie tipe van brief vir jou skryf? Jy weet darem mos uit jou vroeë agtergrond : Hy beloof dat elkeen wat sy naam ydelik gebruik NIE ongestraf sal bly nie. Hy beloof dit. It’s a ‘no no’ OF jy dra die gevolge, dalk nie hier op aarde nie.. Weet net jy kan nie spot met God [nie ‘n afgod of iets daar doer in die verte of even ‘n ‘Hoër Hand’ of ‘The Man Up There’ soos party mense sommer praat nie… ]- Casper, jy sal nie daarmee wegkom nie. En as jy nóú daarmee wegkom, is dit tydelik.

Groet jou met ‘n palm,
Brenda Roodbol

From: "CJ De Vries"

Sent: Saturday, October 23, 2010 5:13 PM

Subject: Briefie

Jy moet leer om ander mense se sienings te respekteer en as ek wil spot met n groot pot kak waarin jy onwrikbaar glo is dit my reg. Dis jou reg om uit te stap, maar dis NIE jou reg om jou vet Christenvinger onder my neus te druk en rond te swaai nie. Jou briefie is vreeslik 1986 , jy is agter die tyd en onvolwasse. Leer redeneer en wyer dink. Ek skaam my vir julle vrot Christene!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Ons Soccer City Experience 14 Junie 2010

Rudy 'oefen' solank met sy baadjie in die kantoor....

Holland vs Denemarke, Soccer City … 

Ons 10 uur vanoggend hier weg, karre, karre, karre – tot by Wits bumper-bumper. Toe in by Wits parkeering, toe dieselfde. Vat ons 30 min. om by parkeerplek uit te kom wat beskikbaar is. Mense mense mense. Ons moet toe NOG 3 km stap [rye rye rye staan!] vir busse. Toe nog 40 min. ry tot by stadium. Nee, busse laai ons nie by stadium af en gaan weer ander mense by Wits haal nie, dis NOG 3km – REGTIG – stap en stap - dis sooooo ver, ons sien nog nie eers die stadion nie! Rudy praat lankal nie meer, so gestress oor die tyd, hy's behoorlik wit in die bus want ons gaan dit OF net-net maak, of gladnie eers die afskop sien nie.  Nou nog Hek G soek, dan block 516...

Ons hol en ek check dat ek nie val. Rudy skreeu, 'die tyd is min!' en Marnus bars uit van die lag vir ou Liatjie wat so drentel [dog ek hol!] en pics wil neem van die area en almal..... Amper afskoptyd - 1:30nm! Toe VYF vloer ophardloop na ons sitplekke – Rudy hol toilet in, Marnus en ek skuif by almal verby – die anthems speel – Rudy sit, en die bal skop af! Yaaaaay, betyds!!  

Ons raak honger en ek voor halftyd weer verby almal en soek-soek-soek na eetgoed. Weet jy, net bier en koeldranke en chips met chocolate te koop! Nie enige kosse nie. Jy kan sien ons is nie stadionne gewoond nie! Weer vyf vloere af, daaronder gekom en daar is pies, maar die rye staan [maar die wedstryd is aan die gang!!]. Ek weer die vyf vloere op en koop twee biere @ R30 elk; KLEIN pakkie biltong, 20g @ R30! en sjokolade weet nie hoeveel. Ek wil vir Marnus Coke koop by ander plekkie, maar weer rye en rye. Want dis toe halftyd?  Ek weet later nie meer nie! Speel hulle nog, is dit halftyd, of wat?  Van die R200 het ek toe net R25 oor! Toe hol ek op mwr die paar goed om te eet en drink. 

Nou ja,  die sokker-gees is lekker as jy dit bywoon maar jy sien baie beter op TV. Toe weer rye en rye STAAN, na ons weer 3km teruggestap het waar die bus ons afgelaai het.  Ons staan 'n uur in die rye en rye en rye om uit te kom en in 'n bus te klim [busse baie goed, maar ry met spitsverkeer heen en weer deur die stad!!?] en ons terug by Wits [laai jou buite op pad af] 5:30nm. 

Daar is toe een jong ou en hy gee my sy sitplek [Marnus en Rudy staan] en ek sit agter sy vrou [jong couple] en hulle pals.  Die pals staan hier by my en hulle maak hulle vrouens kwaad want nou en dan blaas hulle die vuvuzelas kliphard in die bus.... ego maak jou mal! Op 'n stadium gryp een meisie die vuvuzela by haar man en breek dit!  Sy lip is so geswel van heeldag geblaas [dis witmense!] en sy noem hom Angelina [Jolie]! Lekker dik geswelde seer wat daar sit van al die geblaas.  Toe een ou weer blaas, vra ek sy vrou of sy nie my pepper spray wil he om dit voorin die vuvuzela te spuit nie... hy ruk die ding weg en ek vat dit agter sy rug en gee dit vir haar... darem stilte wat die twee manne pals betref want gebreekte vuvuzela doen niks - klink soos muis op steroiede! Ander jongmense blaas tog maar weer heeltyd in die bus.... ek verwonder my altyd oor die vuvuzelas:  dis soos 'n cracker wat klap - dan's dit stil - dan klap - dan's dit stil.  Watter onmiskenbare lekkerte vind mense tog nie in die ge-piep en ge-klap van goetertjies nie..... heeltyd, heeltyd, altyd.  So common, of jy niks gewoond is nie.  Ek meen, as dit nou 'n pragtige voëltjie was wat gesing het of 'n skaaphond wat sy truuks gewys het... dis 'n ander ding.  Iemand het hul talent vir jou gewys. Maar klap-blaas-klap-blaas?  Groot irritasie!!!  

Om by ons kar uit te kom, weer 3km stap - verskriklik groot daar in Wits tussen die geboue, ons was heel in 'n war want mens kan so gou verdwaal. Nou in kar en nou om by Wits uit te kom, vat ‘n UUR [bumper-bumper, NIKS move!] en die flippen vuvuzelas blaas uit die karre uit - kan mens so common wees?!  Party word net niks moeg vir gemors lawaai nie, hulle is seker al voos wat die gehoor en verstand betref.  Ons vat kortpad toe ons drie ander karre 'n ander rigting sien gaan.

Daar is ons vinnig uit, draai af met N1 en is eers 07:30nm. tuis - ons kon glo die trein van Pta. stasie gevat het maar het nie geweet. Ek het net gelees op website en koerant ek moet http://www.ticketbreak.co.za/  park & ride vir R50/kar bespreek en tickets word online en Computicket verkoop EN NIE DAAR NIE – ouens het teruggery, seker nie geweet of gelees nie? Weet nie hoeveel busse nà ons daar aangekom het nie – BAIE BAIE mense het eers na halftyd aangekom en ‘n paar toe ek afgaan vir kos het hulle malle verstand opgehol boontoe - ons so bly ons het nie vir oupa daar gehad nie - nie eers met rolstoel nie.  Hy is weer in ICU vir diabetes. Dr het gedink hy kon huistoe kom vir die game kyk op TV, maar ons het gese nee en hy het ook besef hy is te swak en dan is ma weer in beheer en sy is opgestress en huil oor als.  Dus, ICU is wel Holland-mal [die hele saal!], maar geen TV's en Rudy het pa kort-kort gebel om te vertel wat aangaan en dat hy die geskreeu van stemme en vuvuzelas kon hoor.  Rudy het ook die hollandse vlag [uit Holland laat kom - egte span-vlag] oor sy bed drapeer in ICU en hy het sy baadjie aangeheg wat ons vir hom gekoop het.  Rebert het ook vir hom uit Engeland gebel en Marnus het van sy cell gebel toe hy in Pretoria aangekom het vir die games. 

Slimmer geraak nou en reeds taxi gebook vir oplaai by ons hotelletjie in Durban vir Saterdag game. Kos R50 vir ons al 3 - genade, wat 'n bargain! Is wel net 20 min. se ry na stadion, maar ons gaan nie die rental car vat om vir lank daar te staan nie – parkeer onder dak in parkeer area oorkant hotel en los dit daar. En dan kan ons rustig wees – weet nie eers OF mens by stadion naby kan parkeer nie - parkeering is uitgesit vir gaste en spanbusse, etc.  Ook t.o.v. veiligheid [kar-bomme]. Geen busse of trein ry daar by die Durban stadion verby nie – kon niks kry want het gister gesoek op internet. Ons vlieg more en parkeer by die Lanseria die kar vir die naweek.

Meer nuus en baie pics later.....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Mamma & Janna Dec. 2009

My mom, Ella and younger sister, Janna. 
Pic taken by Marietjie [Cape cousin] somewhere in the Cape during Dec. 2009.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Bit by a flippen cow tick - doesn't make ME a cow!

This is what the tick bite lesion looks like after 6 weeks!  It's been identified as a tick that will attack big mammals - dark gry/blue one we saw in the toilet during the time I was bitten... did not have a clue how this thing landed in the toilet... since then we know.  The vet.! says any tick can be carried from a farm or wildlife reserve and live in a car until it is lucky enough to crawl our my pants.... the same reason people get malaria in the city even if they have not visited Africa or other malaria invested areas.  The [malaria carrying] mozzie is trapped in a car somewhere else and when released in the city it attacks.  Wikkipedia.org says NOT to sit on logs [especially meant for the USA], since this is a sure sign of trouble regarding ticks crawling on you. 

Dankie vir julle bid en baie SMS'e aan my en ook Rudy! Waardeer dit so. Net die Here wat my gered het!

Man, ek het die rooi knoppie op my boud gesien, net waar mens se onderbroek se rekkie begin, laag. Ek vra toe vir Rudy wat is dit, en hy dink dis 'n muskietbyt. Nee, se ek toe, my muskietbyte jeuk erg en ek krap en dit swel op en hierdie ding op die boud is nie seer of brand of jeuk nie. Ek begin toe koue- en warmkoors kry met tye en in die bed vir 'n ruk. Drink antibiotika en Corenza-C vir 'verkoue' want ek dink dit moet verkoue/griep wees wat begin. Los dit toe maar daar. Gaan toe Hoedspruit toe na ons pals se lodge vir 3 dae en voel toe fine [el's besig om vir hulle website te doen, nog nie klaar, tydelik www.warthogrest.co.za [Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate].

Die knoppie sit steeds, lyk NES muskietbyt, maar my vriendin se toe sy wonder of dit nie 'n spinnekop is nie omdat ek nie jeuk en krap nie. Terug by die huis word dit toe baie erger. Ek besluit nou's dit tyd vir afspraak by dr want die koors ruk heeltemal handuit. Eers gaan ek nog stoof koop vir een van ons huurders in ons tuinwoonstelle [langsaan], koop 24! pannekoeke vir ons en die staf as hulle terugkom [dit was 'n Vrydag en Vrydae is hulle vroeer 'af' vir shopping te doen] en gaan sit nog die klomp bakkies kaaskoek, maringue tert en pannekoeke in die kar en gaan maak draai by dr. in dieselfde sentrum. Die stoof, tuisnywerheid, Pick en Pay en Dr. Riaan. Rudy se hy weet nie hoe ek nog besluite kon maak nie, maar die girl trek in die flat en sy wou graag stoof he i.p.v. twee-plaat stoof met grill. Als is toe reg want ek weet sy is ingenieur, mal oor die plek en baie goeie salaris en wil sommer lank bly, dus is 'n stoof 'n investment!

Ek staan toe voor die ontvangsdame en hulle kan my laatmiddag eers help. Ry huistoe en sit al die eetgoed in yskas en gaan slaap, gooi op en maag loop [swart] - ek weet toe dis weird en nie griep nie want ook geen seer keel nie. Heeltyd koue koors my tande klap! Raak heeltemal in 'n beswyming en droom die aller snaakste goeters. Tot EK skrik! Ek bel later vir Rudy uit die bed uit om te vra waar hy is want ek is regtig siek en hy moet my dr. toe vat. Hy kom by die huis, gee my een kyk en ek kon skaars uit die bed klim. Nee se ek, kanselleer my afspraak, sal Maandag gaan as ek 'beter' is. Hy maak sy stem dik en vat my netjies uit die bed, dra my omtrent tot in die garage and off we go!

Riaan [dr] het die byplek een kyk gegee en confirm ja, bosluisbyt. Hy is ook deel van die groep 'doctors beyond borders' en doen diens by ons eie ski-oorde.  Sy praktyk het ook al wat 'n inspuiting wat nodig is vir elke land en die inentings en papiere wat aanvaarbaar is op die grens.  Hy sit my op die bed, anders pass ek uit, reel vir opname by Pta Oos Hosp. [die hospitaal is deel van die Netcare groep, wat glo - volgens koerante - 'n besigheids- en opleidingsplan moet voorle om aan al wat 'n hospitaal is in die land te gee wat hulle in staat sal stel om sulke kwaliteit van admin en diens en bestuur te kan gee soos Netcare...!].

My man sukkel met die skok - al wat Riaan vir Rudy se is dat ek baie, baie siek is en 'her liver is shot..!' Wat dit ookal beteken.  Hulle gaan hierdie week toetse doen as ek klaar is met antibiotika.

Ek word opgeneem met koors van 40.7 grade! Ek is ontslaan met temp. van 25 grade. Eerste ding by hospitaal word Rudy gevra of ek baie alkohol gebruik. Nee se Rudy, dis net halfwe glasie ligte wyn wat ek optop met sodawater en ys [spritzer] eenkeer [saans] met ete. Nou na hoe-sorg waar die gemors begin met ons liewe 'opgeleide' susters. Ek is vir 6 dae nie ge'tag' met ID aan my arm nie, dus kan ek wegraak, epilepsie kry in gang AS ek in staat was om te loop en daar is niks wat my identifiseer nie. Ek het drup gehad vir 3 dae, maar die laaste 3 dae vra hulle my nog waar is my drup dan nou?! Nooit aangeteken op my dik file nie - I kid you not: hulle loop om die bed om te kyk of hy langs my bed staan, dalk afgesak het of wat, maar geen bottels hang teen muur of geen drup in my hande nie..... My eerste drup is suksesvol ingesit in linkerhand.

Na 'n dag in high care sien ek die drup begin bloei, medikasie loop uit, ens. Baie duidelik geswel, die hand, en klop nou van die pyn en brand. Mens kan als sien deur die deurskynende 'glad wrap' pleister waarmee hulle die drup vasmaak aan die hand. Ek wys vir mnr die spesialis, maar nee, dis okay want die drup 'werk'. Ek se maar dit pyn en brand en kyk die bloed, dis seker in die weefsel in, en kyk die medikasie wat hier skuins uitlek.... Nee wat, dis reg. Ek DRING toe aan om die drup te vervang en begin myself die glad wrap losdraai en die eerste suster sien toe ek's nou serious... my hel!

VIER susters soek na 'n ander aar.... die 4 try nou elkeen hulle ego en besteek my hande en arms, OOK my voete en tone, daar is soms are, want hulle kry nie are vir die drup nie....ek skree verskriklik [druk met een hand die een suster se hand, met ander hand hou ek my mond toe. AS die naald tog ingaan in 'n klein aartjie, val die aar plat, dit 'shock' soos elektriese skok en dan word ek gese om asb. stil te le hulle kan nie so werk nie. Na 8x kere se probeer [dis nou 'high care' susters...] skree ek later die aller vreeslikste woorde en jaag hulle uit om iemand te kry wat weet wat hulle doen! Ek huil my stukkend met al die pyn en bloed wat nou orals uitkom waar daar geprobeer is.

Hier kom die M[edic]ICU ou na 'n ruk, swart ou, weet wat hy doen. Hy kook en trap hulle behoorlik uit, want waarmee gee hulle hom nou om te werk?! Hy raak omtrent beserk toe hy sien waar die gate is en vertel hulle mooi wat hy van hulle dink en vra my omverskoning [nie een van hulle het nie] - hy vra toe baie mooi ek moet hom vergeef want hy gaan my hand bo-op slaan want hy MOET 'n drup inkry maar dit gaan seer wees en hy slaan hard, oor en oor. En ja, daar pop die aartjie uit, hy sit die drup in, one shot! Ek soen hom omtrent.

Verder is die kateter 'n probleem een aand. Rudy is by my en ek se hy moet die suster roep, ek voel 'drukking' en met kateter voel mens mos nie behoefte om toilet toe te gaan nie. Nee wat, sussie se als reg, en ek 'gee toe maar oor'... ja, lekker my bed natgemaak, sommer twee keer maar ek so siek ek weet net ek voel 'beter' na die urineering en le wraggies tot by my kopkussing in my eie uriene...  Dit word toe eers later die aand 'bevind' toe hulle my wil kom toemaak.... O, jammer, daar's 'n bubble in die tube gewees en hulle spuit die bubble 'weg' met saline in die drup. Nou reg. O nee, volgende keer weer selfde storie. Ek's nog in ICU! NOU raak ek woedend!

Ek begin hallusineer, sien ouens wat boeke merk in die donker by hulle tafels, geen lig!, hoor Rebert in my oor [hard, ek word wakker hiervan] 'Mamma!' en Marnus 'Ma' roep! Ek 'hi, Rebert wat doen jy hier?' en 'seun, hoekom kom jy, ek's 'fine'! Dan sien ek 'n abyss tussen my en die vrou oorkant.  Sy kry ook hallusinasies glo hulle wil haar doodmaak. Nou gaan chat die susters HEEL AAND met haar, plaas hulle haar sommer chloroform gee, want naby haar kan jy nie kom tot ek hulle weer almal verskreeu dat nie een van ons kan slaap nie, dis nou genoeg, I've had it! Ek meen, dis 'high care'! Ons is almal flippen siek.

Einde nog nie in sig. LANGS my bed is die deur na die gang toe. Swart sussie suster sit en blaai en blaai en blaai bladsye van die dag se aantekeninge van elke pasient wat sy moet nagaan, helder fluoresseerlig boonop reg bokant my aangeskakel en ek kan NET op die bytplek-boud, regter sy, le, wat vrek seer is, anders skyn die lig in my oge!  Ek draai later om en vra haar of sy nie op ander plek kan sit nie, ek 'wag' al vir die volgende geblaai en kan nie slaap en die lig wat so helder is nie! Op stadium gaan die deur langs my bed oop en sussie se boyfriend kom in en chat en giggel tot ek HULLE ook moet verjaag en hy darem 'sorry, mam' vir my se - kostes per nag? Dis hoog-sorg, amper ICU : R4718-00/nag - amper vir wat, vra ek julle?

Intussen, na SES nagte in die hospitaal, is ek nog nooit met 'n ID band ge-tag nie [om my arm] en tot die dag van my ontslag 'soek' hulle nog die drup en bottels en pype wat kwansuis aan my moet wees. Ek vra die suster die laaste dag: wat gaan aan met julle? Kan jy sien hier hang nie sakke medikasie en bottels nie, dat ek NIE 'n drup aanhet in my hand nie - is dit nie afgeteken op die file nie, of wat? Nee wat, sy loop OM my bed en kyk of die goed nie by my kopstuk agter op die grond staan nie.... [dis nou gewone saal, drup is verwyder by High Care toe ek oorgeplaas word - kateter is uitgehaal in saal, DIT is darem aangeteken].

Ek kom by saal aan, hoor ouens wat rugby liedjies sing, hande klap, etc...groot lawaai. Ek wil myself ontslaan en bel Rudy om my te kom haal. Die twee blanke susters maak beurte om met my te kom gesels want daar IS nie lawaai nie. Ek hoor die een liedjie, kyk op die TV skerm van swart sussie langs my in die bed en sien toe sy het wel haar TV op rugby aan en daar word die liedjie gesing - ek dink sy het haar ore uitgeblaas met die klank dat ek dit tot by my bed hoor. Intussen is die hallusinasies nog nie weg, want die spesialis se pille is vir skitzofrenie.... en gevolglike newe-effekte is hallusinasies...

Nietemin, haar ou foontjie lui aanmekaar, sy bel aanmekaar, dis 'n gelag en grappe en hou aan en aan en aan..... op 'n stadium draai ek na haar en vra sy moet end kry, ek is baie siek [sy is vir observation] en dis swak maniere om jou foon in 'n hospitaal te gebruik - 'turn it off or put it on silent if you want to read a SMS'. Het later die aand die suster, blank, gekry om haar te vra om te announce, in general in die saal, van die selfoon etiket. En sy het toe, sommer my ook aangespreek, ek le met my rug op die ander nie-bosluis-boud: 'Mrs Roodbol, do you follow what I'm saying about the cellphones' en ek so ewe 'yes, mine's turned off'. Nooit weer oproepies nie.

Die beddens is SO swak, dun matrassies, ek is voos gele, het twee kussings onder my boude/heupe en tussen bene. Die swart vrou oorkant my vat gladnie nonsens nie: vandag is sy NOG sieker a.g.v. die swak matras as die ander twee dae en sy SAL 'n bed kry wat goed is, anders loop sy en kry 'n ander hospitaal. Sy is regtig inspirerend vir my gewees! Ek hoor haar se vir die ander swart sussie: 'I will not pay you if you don't look after me' glo vir 'n dokter gese 'you're paid by me to do your job' en ek begin hande klap! Hulle kom 'by', dis verseker! Dan kry ek moed vir die land.

Ek moedig my Liesbet altyd aan om haar nek uit te steek en hulle terug te antwoord as hulle ongeskik is met haar, want die status bewustheid tussen die swartes is glo astronomies en daar word baie neergekyk op die vrouens wat in huise werk as bediendes... kan julle glo? Anderdag bel 'n swart vrou Liesbet oor 'n rekening  en sy begin Engels met Liesbet praat... Liesbet vra haar toe 'hoekom praat jy Engels, jy hoor mos ek werk in 'n huis en ek kan hoor jy's Tshwana, wil jy nou 'grand' klink'? Ja, se sussie, sy's jammer en daar slaan sy oor na normaal wees en sit haar ego in haar sak!

Die pille wat ek kry van die internis [huistoe], dieselfde goed wat in die drups was, maak my so pap, moeg, my tong kleef heelnag aan my verhemelte vas, ek wil niks eet, maag spoel, ens.  Gister toe omtrent amper groot epileptiese aanval gehad, Rudy teruggejaag om te check, Liesbet by my gesit, slaappil gedrink en nog medikasie net om my 'by' te hou en rustig. 

Toe ek eers beter is laat-middag, Google ek die medikasies:  ja, NIE vir epileptiese lyers nie met newe-effekte kan nie slaap [ek is 2 uur soggens wakker, gaan werk in kantoor tot 6 vm, probeer weer 'n uurtjie slaap, maar nee!], eetlus steurnis, maag loop, naar, mond baie droog, en so hou dit aan en aan! 

Toe, ander medikasie: vir skizoprenie pasiente wat newe-effekte het om te hallusineer - ek hallusineer van die erge koors in die hospitaal en net in high care - hoekom my 'behandel met die goed by die huis?!' EN dr die spesialis internis gee 20 inspuitings Warfarin om my bloed te verdun... ek verstaan hulle moes dit gee toe ek in hosp. was, want ek het gele, maar huistoe gee as ek geen beduidenis van bloedklonte of familie geskiedenis het nie?  Ek stap mos nou rond!  En dit van 'n INTERNIS wat seker 11jr geswot het en wat deur my file blaai en blaai en DUIDELIK sien ek is epileptiese lyer EN allergies vir Penicyllin en dat ek naer is, opgooi, maag loop, nie kan slaap, voel of ek aanval kan kry, etc. 

Weet julle, ek het tot in High Care elke keer, as ek nou 'by' was, gevra wat spuit hulle my, ek is allergies vir Penicyllin en of die inspuiting wat hulle nou gaan doen epilepsie aanbring of nie!  Mens moet na jouself kyk en sommer my file ook gelees.  Die blanke suster het die ander [swart] suster geroep om te vra wat gaan hier aan, dit en dat is nie aangeteken nie op my file nie! En toe hulle my Warfarin wou spuit, lig die sussie sommer my toppie op en wil begin spuit in die gewone saal - ek hokkaai haar, se vir haar sy kan mos nie spuit sonder om te verduidelik wat dit is nie?!  Nee wat, kan julle nie vertel hoe benoud 'n ou is nie. 

Die een oggend word ek jou waarlik om 4:30 wakker van 'iets' - struikel toilet toe, sien die toiletraam is opgelig en geel uriene van 'n man [party druk mos nie toilet nie!] EN die deur is net genoeg oop vir iemand om daar in te stap.  Ek voel so weird, bang die ou is in die kamer onder 'n bed of iets.  Ek was laaste een wat gaan slaap het die vorige aand, ligte afgesit ook in toilet, deur heeltemal toegestoot en daar is GEEN swart manlike verpleer nie... meld dit toe aan, en kry net 'n 'oh'. 'Duh!'.  Niks van gekom nie. 

Nou stort: nuwe sussie saam, seker pas begin werk, onhandig en heel stupid: ek moet op die stoel in die stort gaan sit en met die handsproeier was. Nou se sy aanhoudend ek MAG nie val nie [dis al wat sy weet, want ek sal seker die hospitaal sue, dis seker by haar ingeprent!] Ek gaan sit, gly op die 'anti-gly' PLASTIC matjies op die vloer. Sien toe die matjies is nie met die suigkante [bubbles] na onder nie, nee - dit is boontoe gedraai! Dus skuif dit heen en weer. Ek buk af, sit dit reg en wys haar hoekom dit gly en nou suig dit ten minste 'vas' aan die vloer.

Dan maak sy die stortdeur toe en ek dronkerig op my eie. O ja, ek mag ook nie teen die deur staan nie, hoe gaan sy my uitkry as ek val? Wonder hoe gaan sy betyds my uitkry VOOR ek val al staan ek NIE teen die deur nie maar teen die muur, want sy maak die stortdeur heeltemal toe...!

Al bg. goed gaan op skrif gestel word vir Pta Oos Hosp. Vir mediese bydrae van R4,200 per maand vir my en Rudy aan Liberty Health is dit 'n skryende skande dat ek nog hoeveel per dag moet betaal vir 'n bed en 'opgeleide' staf! 

Ek heg foto aan van my en my Missy, wat OOK nog deur trauma is voor ek opgeneem is - ek het 2 dae so gehuil.  Lilo, wat glo volgens Marnus die alpha-female is, is glo gepla toe Missy aan haar lek vir liefde en dis maar 'een van daai dinge'..... ek vererg my toe so vir hom en skreeu 'al is sy alpha Queen, ek sit haar uit, moet nie vir my vertel wat om te doen nie, jy's nie hier met ses honde nie.  Spaniels kry albei epilepsie [kan julle glo], Travis [Marnus hond] het kanker in ogies wat ons almal bygedra het vir bestraling.

Missy is vir my gekoop deur Rebert en Lisa en Douggie, Rudy se baby, was Lisa se hond, toe is hulle vort UK toe.  VYF honde is deur Rebert aangebring as geskenke so met die jare, dan waai hy terug UK toe.  Ons baie kwaad vir hom want ons sit met soveel aandag wat hulle verg en kan nerens gaan nie. 

Ons pals van 36 jr. het pragtige lodge in Hoedspruit, teen Kapama en Kruger Park [wat hulle verhuur vir toeriste] - ek besig met haar web http://www.warthogrest.co.za/ [nou net begin met website, nog laaaaank nie klaar nie].  Sy sy se ons moet kom vir 3 dae saam met hulle en die twee babies moet saam want mens mag honde bring, daar is glo voltydse inwoners by die Hoedspruit Wildlife Estate.  En was dit nou wonderlik anders sou ek nie gegaan het nie. 

Missie se ogie is 'gered' maar is blind [haar regterkant].  Sy wou nie stil sit vir hierdie foto nie, want as Rudy aankom smiddae is dit mos 'parkie en bal'-tyd!  Ek dieselfde dag uit hosp. en lyk oes, maar foto is vir seuns  geneem want hulle was so ontsteld, veral Rebert, want hy wou sien hoe sy lyk, want sy is regtig 'n poppie!

Rebert voel ellendig en wil terugkom en in een van die flats langsaan bly en twee spaniels vat, want niemand wil hulle uitsit nie behalwe ek. Marnus baklei, Rudy kry stilstuipe en ek verduidelik hulle gaan gespuit word om forever te SLAAP, ons kap hulle nie met 'n byl dood nie! Net Rebert voel soos ek.  Ek skreeu vir Marnus en Lilo anderdag:  EK is die alpha female, hoor jy my - EK is die pack leader.  Dis my huis en ek lei die vrouens!

Ek het die paar besprekings vir die CUP ook gekanselleer [geskryf namens Rudy en verduidelik sy vrou was in ICU en die dokter het voorgestel ek kanselleer die besprekings, want ek sal lank vat voor ek meer krag het] - om laundry, ontbyt, etc. te maak EN nog ons besigheid, sal erg wees as 'n ou nog herstel. Marnus het omtrent ontsteld geword toe hy hoor daar is 6 Canadians wat kom en hierbo in die flat bly - nee, nee, nee. jy kan nie ma! Hulle is bekend vir 'n ge-suip, parties en loud!  Nienke van Holland staan toe langs hom en beaam dit - omtrent al die Canadian volunteers by Harnas is so en mens ken hulle aan hul gedrag nog lank voor jy weet hulle is van Kanada - nou ja, daar's verseker goeie mense in Kanada, net soos wat daar goeie swartmense in ons land is.  Nou moet 'n paar 'swakkes' die hele land versuur! 

Nou ja, hulle is ook gekanseller en die ou het laat weet hy is verskriklik jammer en hoop ek herstel.  BAIE plek oop in die hele Pretoria, hotelle, B and B's, kamers, apartments, etc.  Grootste flop vir die land en uitgawes wat terugbetaal moet word, die CUP. 

Rudy lees op news24.com dat HOLLAND se TV uitgesaai het dat die ouens hul eie kondome! moet bring want ons kondome in SA het gaatjies in....liewe hemel, ek dog ek 'pass' uit!  Op die TV so gestel en op http://www.news24.com/ wat ons kry elke dag. Ook kom net 'n derde wat oorspronklik sou kom van Holland en Brittanje glo, te bang vir die crime.  Die ouens het hulle verblyf en seker vlugte ook gekanselleer, volgens die koerant. 

Tot anderdag.  Ek het maar op die BLOG geskryf want almal wil weet wat het gebeur en my werk so agter [filing vir 3 maande....] en VAT ook. Nog nie eers afgesluit vir finansiele jaarend nie. 

Liefde, Bren.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

What's your perception of a boat?

A famous French shipbuilder's ship company and one of Monaco joined hands to build this yacht with enormous dimensions: called the WHY 58x38. (58meter long and 38 meter wide) After the first pictures of this project. The yacht, an area of 3400 m2 with seating for 12 passengers and 20 crew. This is a "green" yacht. Wally et Hermès use green energy to 20 to 30% fuel savings and 40 to 50% electricity consumption on board. Therefore there are 900 m2 equipped with solar panels, producing a daily output of 500 kW. Equipment: Three decks, a 25 meter pool, a spa helicopterpad a 100m2 with hammam, sauna, gym and massage room, a promenade of 130 meter, a music room, a dining room, a cinema, sun decks, suites, terraces, a lounge, a bibi . The luxury is at the rendez-vous. The decks are connected by stairs but there is also an elevator. With an area of 200m2 and completely covers the third deck. (This is the bedroom) The sea view is great and there is a private terrace of 25 meter long - a sea of light. The yacht has the shape of a horseshoe and has a roof so everything is bathed in a sea of light. On the lower deck are the common premises, such as lounge, piano bar and dining area ..... The dining room opens onto the sea view. For the guests, 5 suites with sea views (on the middendeck)- there is also a reading room equipped - google WHY name of boat and you might see all the incredible interior! 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Rescued Animals ~ Harnas Namibia

Harnas has established a safe haven for all these creatures where they will have the opportunity to recover, adapt and live safely. Harnas is literally the place where the lion and lamb peacefully coexist. Harnas is a safe haven for many throw away, unwanted and unloved animals. Domestic and wild. Harnas’ future possibilities, in relation to taking appropriate care of these animals, are bound to their financial standing. The Harnas vision has been an expensive project but seeing these animals recovering to their former glory is worth every bit of effort. Here we present you a brief documentary on some of the animals which are currently cared for on Harnas.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

NAIROBI (AFP) - A baby hippo that survived the Tsunami waves on the Kenyan coast has formed a strong bond with a giant male century-old tortoise in an animal facility in the port city of Mombassa , officials said the hippopotamus, nicknamed Owen and weighing about 300 kilograms (650 pounds), was swept down Sabaki River into the Indian Ocean , then forced back to shore when tsunami waves struck the Kenyan coast on December 26, before wildlife rangers rescued him.

'It is incredible. A-less-than-a-year-old hippo has adopted a male tortoise, about a century old, and the tortoise seems to be very happy with being a 'mother',' ecologist Paula Kahumbu, who is in charge of Lafarge Park , told AFP. 'After it was swept away and lost its mother, the hippo was traumatized. It had to look for something to be a surrogate mother. Fortunately, it landed on the tortoise and established a strong bond. They swim, eat and sleep together,' the ecologist added. 'The hippo follows the tortoise exactly the way it followed its mother. If somebody approaches the tortoise, the hippo becomes aggressive, as if protecting its biological mother,' Kahumbu added. 'The hippo is a young baby, he was left at a very tender age and by nature, hippos are social animals that like to stay with their mothers for four years,' he explained.

'Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away' This is a real story that shows that our differences don't matter much when we need the comfort of another. We could all learn a lesson from these two creatures. 'Look beyond the differences and find a way to walk the path together.' Save the earth... it's the only planet with chocolate! 'Those who bring sunshine into the lives of others, cannot keep it from themselves.'

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Bababoon, what yer thinkin?

Liatjie sitting at her 'master's feet'.... waiting to be picked up
What whill this little one be thinking? So innocent and helpless.

Games babies play!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010


A burglar broke into a house one night. He shined his flashlight around, looking for valuables when a voice in the dark said, 'Jesus knows you're here.' He nearly jumped out of his skin, clicked his flashlight off, and froze. When he heard nothing more , after a bit, he shook his head and continued. Just as he pulled the stereo out so he could disconnect the wires, clear as a bell he heard 'Jesus is watching you.' Freaked out, he shined his light around frantically, looking for the source of the voice. Finally, in the corner of the room, his flashlight beam came to rest on a parrot.

' Did you say that?' he hissed at the parrot. The parrot confessed, then squawked, 'I'm just trying to warn you that he is watching you.' The burglar relaxed. 'Warn me, huh? Who in the world are you?' 'Moses,' replied the bird. 'Moses?' the burglar laughed. 'What kind of people would name a bird Moses?' 'The kind of people that would name a Rottweiler Jesus.'

Testimony of a 70yr old grandma

Hierdie getuienis maak my WEER bewus van hoe ons baie oor geloof PRAAT, maar meeste mense is gewoonlik histeries in ‘n krisis! EN ook dat die Here vir ons in hierdie dae in SA wil WYS dat daar goed en kwaad in elke ras is [ons weet dit, ons ondervind dit nie baie nie, want ons is te bang om met die ander te meng want dalk is ‘hulle’ ook so!]. Hierdie getuienis is presies wat ek en my ander ‘gekaapte’ vriendinne nodig het om te weet. Wat ‘n wonderlike God dien ons nie want Sy genade werk in elke hart wat Hom toelaat. En, terwyl die hele storie afspeel, mens eintlik ‘buitekant’ die verhaal staan en later besef wat het eintlik gebeur! En dan besef: dis hoe God Sy ding doen. Met my was dit ook so.

Hierdie getuienis lewer ek namens my skoonma en swaer en ek voel dat die getuienis van God se genade en die krag van gebed soveel mense moontlik moet bereik.

My een skoonsuster bly in Springs en die res van my skoonfamilie bly in Secunda (swaer, skoonsus en skoonma). My suster van Springs se man het verlede week (21 Januarie 2010) in die hospitaal beland en my skoonma van Secunda wou graag deurgaan om haar dogter te ondersteun. My swaer het aangebied om haar Vrydag (22 Januarie 2010) na werk deur te vat Springs toe. Omstreeks 9 uur Vrydagaand ontvang my man 'n oproep wat sê dat sy broer (my swaer) en sy ma in 'n kaping was en dat die kapers met my skoonma nog in die motor weggejaag het. Nodeloos om te sê dat mens sewe verskillende dode binne jou sterf met die aanhoor van sulke nuus. Dit is na alles Suid Afrika en ons weet mos almal wat gebeur in sulke situasies. Ek het kamer toe gehardloop om iets anders aan te trek en daar is ek onmiddelik gelei om te kniel en ernstig vir skoonma in te tree.

So maak ons klaar, ry deur Secunda toe om my swaer se seun op te laai en ry toe deur Springs toe. Oppad Springs toe probeer ons my swaer se selfoon skakel maar die selfoon word net doodgedruk. Ek probeer toe my skoonma se selfoon skakel maar elke keer gaan die selfoon net dood. Intussen is daar baie oproepe heen en weer en die derde keer toe ek my skoonma se selfoon skakel antwoord sy die selfoon(!!). Die verligting en dankbaarheid is onbeskryflik. Sy së toe dat die kapers haar afgelaai het en dat sy die weermag barrake in Dunnotor kan eien en dat sy nou oppad is na die Dunnotor polisiestasie. Nog 'n paar oproepe verder, hoor ons dat skoonma nou veilig terug is by my skoonsuster.

By my skoonsuster se huis aangekom, hoor ons die hele storie. My swaer vertel dat hy voor die hek gestop het. Dit is 'n elektronies hek en omdat die hek nie oopgemaak het nie, het my swaer aangeneem dat sy suster dalk hospitaal toe is. Hy klim toe uit en probeer die hek oopmaak. Die volgende oomblik gewaar hy 'n kar wat in die pad reg agter sy motor intrek en twee gewapende mans wat uitspring en beduie dat hulle die motor gaan vat. Hy skree toe dat hulle die motor moet vat maar dat hulle net sy ma 'n geleentheid moet gee om uit te klim. Hulle voldoen toe NIE aan sy versoek nie, en jaag weg met my skoonma nog in die motor. Hy vertel dat hy agter die motor aangehardloop het en geskree het dat hulle net sy ma uit die kar moet laat klim. Toe hy besef dat hulle nie gaan stop nie, val hy op sy kniee in die pad en begin ernstig vir haar beskerming en veiligheid intree. Bure wat die geraas gehoor het, help hom toe, die polisie word gebel en toe begin die wag.

Nou by skoonma se weergawe. Sy sê dat sy nie aanvanklik besef het wat gebeur nie en toe my swaer skree dat sy moet uitklim kon sy nie vinnig genoeg uitkom nie. Die volgende oomblik spring daar toe 'n gewapende

jongman in die kar en al wat sy toe ervaar is dat hulle met 'n groot gehaas wegjaag. Mag ek met groot deernis noem dat my skoonma nie van die geaardheid is om regtig kalm te bly nie. Ek moet dit ongelukkg noem omdat dit net die wonderwerking van God se krag so mooi uitbeeld. Skoonma vertel verder dat na die aanvanklike skrik, daar 'n groot KALMTE OOR HAAR GEKOM HET (God se Gees).

Sy begin toe aanmekaar met die jong kaper gesels. Vertel vir hom van haar skoonseun wat siek is, dat sy nie van Springs is nie maar van Secunda, dat sy 'n diabeet is, dat haar man 9 jaar terug dood is, ens. Sy sê sy het net aanhou praat en vertel. Naderhand merk sy dat die kaper kalmer raak en selfs saampraat. Vertel vir haar dat hy nie kan werk kry nie en dat hulle 'n gesin van 6 is en hy is die enigste een wat 'n "inkomste" het. Op 'n stadium praat my skoonma toe mooi met hom en verduidelik vir hom dat sy sieklik is en dat sy 'n ou vrou is (sy is 70 jaar oud) en dat as hy haar gaan seermaak of doodmaak, dit vir haar sleg sal wees maar dat sy haar lewe al gehad het maar dat hy vir altyd met die wete dat hy 'n ou vrou dood- of seergemaak het, moet saamleef.

Hy sê toe vir haar DAT HY HAAR NIE GAAN SEER, OF DOODMAAK NIE ( prys God nog meer!!). So ry hulle en die volgende oomblik stop hy en së vir haar om uit te klim. Skok, ouderdom, wat ookal maak toe dat sy nie vinnig uit die kar kon kom nie en toe spring die kaper uit EN HELP HAAR UIT DIE MOTOR UIT MET HAAR HANDSAK EN AL…! (wat 'n wonderlike God dien ons nie!) En daar ry hy. Dit is toe dat sy sien dat sy by Dunnotor se weermagbasis is. Sy besluit toe maar om soontoe te stap. Die volgende oomblik kom daar twee jong swart mans na haar toe (en onthou asb dat dit nou al so 10uur die aand is) en vra wat gebeur het. Sy vertel toe vir hulle dat sy gekaap is. Die een së toe dat hy solank polisiestasie toe gaan hardloop en die ander een së toe dat hy saam met haar sal stap.

Toe kom sy agter dat sy binne LOOPAFSTAND VAN DIE POLISIEKANTOOR AFGELAAI IS (hoe ongelooflik groot is ons God!). Die jongman wat by my skoonma gebly het, vra toe vir haar of hy maar haar hand kan vat want hy sien dat sy nie baie vas op haar voete is nie en hy wil nie hë sy moet val en seerkry nie. (EN GOD SKAAR SY ENGELE OM DIE WAT HOM VREES!) So stap hulle toe saam polisiekantoor toe en die twee bly by haar totdat my skoonsus se skoonma haar daar kom haal.

Hierdie is Suid Afrika. Maar hierdie getuienis is van GOD SE WERKING BINNE SUID AFRIKA. Die krag van gebed en die genade van 'n Almagtige God het gemaak dat ek nie vandag kan stilbly nie. Ons in Suid Afrika moet weet dat God ons sal bewaar te midde van misdaad as ons ons net sal verootmoedig voor Hom en Sy naam sal aanroep in ons nood.

Voel asseblief vry om hierdie getuienis te versprei sodat daar meer mense kan wees wat van die liefde en die genade van ons God kan hoor.


Ronel [email sent]

Your job description too?

Do you know a ‘Researcher Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations?’ I do, millions!

A woman, renewing her driver's licence , was asked by the woman at Registry to state her occupation. She hesitated, uncertain how to classify herself. 'What I mean is, ' explained the woman at Registry, 'do you have a job or are you just a .....?' 'Of course I have a job,' snapped the woman. 'I'm a Mum.' 'We don't list 'Mum' as an occupation, ‘housewife’ will cover it. '

I forgot all about her story until one day I found myself in the same situation. The Clerk was obviously a career woman, poised, efficient, and possessed of a high sounding title like, 'Official Interrogator' or 'City Registrar.' 'What is your occupation?' she probed. What made me say it? I do not know. The words simply popped out. ' I'm a Research Associate in the field of Child Development and Human Relations.'

The clerk paused, ball-point pen frozen in midair and looked up as though she had not heard right. I repeated the title slowly emphasizing the most significant words.. Then I stared with wonder as my pronouncement was written, in bold, black ink on the official questionnaire. 'Might I ask,' said the clerk with new interest, 'just what you do in your field?' Coolly, without any trace of fluster in my voice, I heard myself reply, 'I have a continuing program of research, (what mother doesn't) in the laboratory and in the field, (normally I would have said indoors and out). I'm working for my Masters, (first the Lord and then the whole family) and already have four credits (all daughters). Of course, the job is one of the most demanding in the humanities, (any mother care to disagree?) and I often work 14 hours a day, (24 is more li ke it). But the job is more challenging than most run-of-the-mill careers and the rewards are more of a satisfaction rather than just money.'

There was an increasing note of respect in the clerk's voice as she completed the form, stood up, and personally ushered me to the door. As I drove into our driveway, buoyed up by my glamorous new career, I was greeted by my lab assistants -- ages 13, 7, and 3. Upstairs I could hear our new experimental model, (a 6 month old baby) in the child development program, testing out a new vocal pattern.. I felt I had scored a beat on bureaucracy! And I had gone on the official records as someone more distinguished and indispensable to mankind than 'just another Mum.' What a glorious career! Especially when there's a title on the door.

Does this make grandmothers 'Senior Research associates in the field of Child Development and Human Relations' And great grandmothers 'Executive Senior Research Associates?' - I think so!!! I also think it makes Aunts ' Associate Research Assistants.'

Are you a know-all kind of guy? Really.

WORLD'S EASIEST QUIZ! Passing requires only 3 correct answers out of 10!

Only total thicko's will fail… shame

1) How long did the Hundred Years' War last ?

2) Which country makes Panama hats ?

3) From which animal do we get cat gut ?

4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution ?

5) What is a camel's hair brush made of ?

6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal ?

7) What was King George VI's first name ?

8) What color is a purple finch ?

9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from ?

10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane ?

Remember, you need only 3 correct answers to pass. Check your answers below.

1) How long did the Hundred Years War last ? 116 years

2) Which country makes Panama hats ? Ecuador

3) From which animal do we get cat gut ? Sheep and Horses

4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution ? November

5) What is a camel's hair brush made of ? Squirrel fur

6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal ? Dogs

7) What was King George VI's first name ? Albert

8) What color is a purple finch ? Crimson

9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from ? New Zealand

10) What is the color of the black box in a commercial airplane ? Orange (of course!)

What do you mean, you failed?! Me too...! And if you try to tell me you passed, liar liar!

Pass this on to some "brilliant" friends, so that they may feel useless too!

To Beautiful Girlfriend And Sisterhood Week!

Marnus March 2010

Oh, Africa - what a beaut you are!

Monday, March 8, 2010

Happy Girlfriend and SistaHood !

I’ts GOOD – and clean and fresh – tra-la-la - to be a woman  
National Girlfriend and Sista Week - cool women who touch my life - Here's to you!
We got off the Titanic first
We can scare male bosses with mysterious gynecological disorder excuses
We don't look like a frog in a blender when dancing
No fashion faux pas we make could ever rival the Speedo!
We don't have to pass gas to amuse ourselves
If we forget to shave, no one has to know
We can congratulate our team mate without ever touching her rear end
We never have to reach down every so often to make sure our privates are still there!
We have the ability to dress ourselves…
We can talk to the opposite sex without having to picture them naked
If we marry someone 20 years younger, we are aware that we will look like an idiot
We will never regret piercing our ears
There are times when chocolate really can solve all your problems. Really
We can make comments about how silly men are in their presence because they aren't listening anyway -

Ahhhh, to be a woman!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I honour you, Prime Minister Rudd!

This is not a racist, this is how any nation should treat people who choose to settle there -  Australian Prime Minister shows us the way! 

Truer words have never been spoken. This should be a world wide rule. If you want to move to any country and become part of that country ... WELCOME, But if want to change anything in that new country you wish to live in …. GOODBYE

It took a lot of courage for this man to speak what he had to say for the world to hear. The retribution could be phenomenal, but at least he was willing to take a stand on his and Australia 's beliefs.

Yes, allow those that want to come, to come. But understand that if you want to go to a country not of your birth, you should expect to live by their rules and respect their ways of life. This doesn't mean you have to give up yours. 

Non-Christian countries still kill and torture Christians on a daily basis.  Please don't be fooled:   http://www.persecutedchurch.org/ - Search Google for persecuted church and see the devastation and murder around the world by those so-called 'free nation' countries.  During the Beijing Olympics the Chinese people were taught howw to answer questions about religious matters if asked by tourists

Prime Minister Kevin Rudd - Australia
  • Muslims who want to live under Islamic Sharia law were told on Wednesday to get out of Australia , as the government targeted radicals in a bid to head off potential terror attacks.
  • Rudd angered some Australian Muslims on Wednesday by saying he supported spy agencies monitoring the nation's mosques. Quote: 'IMMIGRANTS, NOT AUSTRALIANS, MUST ADAPT. Take it or leave it.
  • I am tired of this nation worrying about whether we are offending some individual or their culture. Since the terrorist attacks on Bali , we have experienced a surge in patriotism by the majority of Australians.
  • 'This culture has been developed over two centuries of struggles, trials and victories by millions of men and women who have sought freedom.' 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language
  • Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society, learn the language!'
  • 'Most Australians believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented
  • It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools!
  • If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture
  • 'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why
  • All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us
  • 'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this
  • Once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, 'THE RIGHT TO LEAVE'
  • If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here.
  • You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

When will we find the courage to start speaking and voicing the same truths? For the first time in my life I have such a yearning to move to Australia…where a president takes care of his citizens, honours his countrymen and is worthy of his salary!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

'Cause I feel like doing it!

I would never trade my amazing friends, my wonderful life, my loving family for less grey hair or a flatter belly. As I've aged, I've become kinder to myself, and less critical of myself. I've become my own friend. I don't chide myself for eating that extra cookie, or for not making my bed, or for buying that silly cement gecko that I didn't need, but looks so avante garde on my patio. I am entitled to a treat, to be messy, to be extravagant. I have seen too many dear friends leave this world too soon; before they understood the great freedom that comes with aging. Whose business is it if I choose to read or play on the computer until 4 AM and sleep until noon? I will dance with myself to those wonderful tunes of the 60 &70's, and if I, at the same time, wish to weep over a lost love ... I will.

I will walk the beach in a swim suit that is stretched over a bulging body, and will dive into the waves with abandon if I choose to, despite the pitying glances from the jet set. They, too, will get old. I know I am sometimes forgetful. But there again, some of life is just as well forgotten. And I eventually remember the important things. Sure, over the years my heart has been broken. How can your heart not break when you lose a loved one, or when a child suffers, or even when somebody's beloved pet gets hit by a car? But broken hearts are what give us strength and understanding and compassion. A heart never broken is pristine and sterile and will never know the joy of being imperfect.

I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turning gray, and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face. So many have never laughed, and so many have died before their hair could turn silver. As you get older, it is easier to be positive. You care less about what other people think. I don't question myself anymore. I've even earned the right to be wrong.

So, to answer your question, I like being old. It has set me free. I like the person I have become. I am not going to live forever, but while I am still here, I will not waste time lamenting what could have been, or worrying about what will be. And I shall eat dessert every single day(if I feel like it)!

Mom's the word

This pic taken in Knysna in our Cafe 1990 down at the Waterfront [Choo-Choo train] location.
Marnus DAILY helped himself and his school buddies to freshly baked pastries and 'burgers.  But to actually work as a waiter is against his 'principles', he says.  Just as well.  He never takes crap [but gives it generously!].  Just imagine him having to have a difficult client who gives him a mouthful.. .. we would have had many court cases if sonny boy had to be in charge.  Rebert is people-friendly and can hold his cool!

It all began to make sense, the blank stares, the lack of response, the way one of the kids will walk into the room while I'm on the phone and ask to be taken to the store. Inside I'm thinking, 'Can't you see I'm on the phone?' Obviously not; no one can see if I'm on the phone, or cooking, or sweeping the floor, or even standing on my head in the corner, because no one can see me at all. I'm invisible. The Invisible Mom. Some days I am only a pair of hands, nothing more! Can you fix this? Can you tie this? Can you open this?? Some days I'm not a pair of hands; I'm not even a human being. I'm a clock to ask, 'What time is it?' I'm a satellite guide to answer, 'What number is the Disney Channel?' I'm a car to order, 'Right around 5:30, please.' I was certain that these were the hands that once held books and the eyes that studied history and the mind that graduated summa cum laude -but now, they had disappeared into the peanut butter, never to be seen again. She's going, she's going, she's gone!?

One night, a group of us were having dinner, celebrating the return of a friend from England. Janice had just gotten back from a fabulous trip, and she was going on and on about the hotel she stayed in. I was sitting there, looking around at the others all put together so well. It was hard not to compare and feel sorry for myself. I was feeling pretty pathetic, when Janice turned to me with a beautifully wrapped package, and said, 'I brought you this.' It was a book on the great cathedrals of Europe. I wasn't exactly sure why she'd given it to me until I read her inscription: 'To Charlotte, with admiration for the greatness of what you are building when no one sees.'

In the days ahead I would read - no, devour - the book. And I would discover what would become for me, four life-changing truths, after which I could pattern my work: No one can say who built the great cathedrals - we have no record of their names. These builders gave their whole lives for a work they would never see finished. They made great sacrifices and expected no credit. The passion of their building was fuelled by their faith that the eyes of God saw everything. A legendary story in the book told of a rich man who came to visit the cathedral while it was being built, and he saw a workman carving a tiny bird on the inside of a beam. He was puzzled and asked the man, 'Why are you spending so much time carving that bird into a beam that will be covered by the roof, No one will ever see it. And the workman replied, 'Because God sees.'

I closed the book, feeling the missing piece fall into place. It was almost as if I heard God whispering to me, 'I see you, Charlotte. I see the sacrifices you make every day, even when no one around you does. No act of kindness you've done, no sequin you've sewn on, no cupcake you've baked, is too small for me to notice and smile over. You are building a great cathedral, but you can't see right now what it will become. At times, my invisibility feels like an affliction. But it is not a disease that is erasing my life. It is the cure for the disease of my own self-centeredness. It is the antidote to my strong, stubborn pride.

I keep the right perspective when I see myself as a great builder. As one of the people who show up at a job that they will never see finished, to work on something that their name will never be on. The writer of the book went so far as to say that no cathedrals could ever be built in our lifetime because there are so few people willing to sacrifice to that degree. When I really think about it, I don't want my son to tell the friend he's bringing home from college for Thanksgiving, 'My Mom gets up at 4 in the morning and bakes homemade pies, and then she hand bastes a turkey for 3 hours and presses all the linens for the table.' That would mean I'd built a shrine or a monument to myself. I just want him to want to come home. And then, if there is anything more to say to his friend, to add, 'You're gonna love it there.' As mothers, we are building great cathedrals. We cannot be seen if we're doing it right. And one day, it is very possible that the world will marvel, not only at what we have built, but at the beauty that has been added to the world by the sacrifices of invisible women.

The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God will not protect you.

Friends Forever!

Rina and Romeo Contardo

Rina and myself have been friends from primary school - 45 years!  My mom was a teacher at the same school, Riviera Primary - both of us were taught by a strict mom teacher who also banned us from her class and/or choir practice a few times for various reasons [giggling/talking/pitch up 2 min. late]! 

From primary school we attended HF Verwoerd High and were known as the 'trouble makers' for 5 years!  On hindsight I think we had too much new ideas and were very too forward with lots to say about various stuff. We called it originality. Teachers those days called it bad behaviour. Kids were expected to be seen and not heard.

We tend to disagree [loudly] if we don't feel a kid has been done an injustice and were very quick to point this out to the teachers. Nothing wrong with this... these days the schools would say we whave such initiative and eager to have us since we have a mind of our own and this means leadership!

Both our kids - 2 kids each - Angelo, Ivona/Rebert, Marnus] are such a blessing to people and knew discipline and love since birth and were also encouraged to give their opinion. Regarding rearing a child, we have a lot to learn from the US where the kids are encouraged to speak their mind and say if they differ and have new ideas to offer - the difference in school education and behaviour in the US vs SA is obvious on all the live competition TV shows.  The US has such an easiness when addressing judges and thousands seated in the auditorium [well, most of them anyway].

Our kids in SA are still the  'jammer oom, jammer tannie' and 'skuus oom en tannie' - BUT their good behaviour is one of the reasons our children from SA were so welcome in the UK to do meagre jobs with long hours and without complaining - how the UK can even think of employing their own youngsters currently on government support for so many years is beyond me.   I mean, will you go and work for a lousy few pounds a month but 'earn' more staying at home and cashing in on the government? This is the reason the UK stopped our kids from going their on working visas.  All of a sudden they found the 'pap en slap' UK youngsters [most being moms and dads at age 16yrs...] are costing the government a fortune...

Anyway, Rudy and Romeo met when Rina and myself became their girlfriends and from there on it was like an elastic band that won't break and stretched all these years without a hicup! Rina and Romeo lives in the Cape now [Somerset West], but when we see one another [too little!] we catch up where we left off.  Luckily for the internet. And, best of all, Romeo is also an electrical contractor - the men have a lot in common and can understand the other's business problems, stress and difficult clients!  And Rina and me can 'amen and amen' on all the issues of working for your husband and being a part of the marital and business team. The pro's and cons!

Nevertheless:  some of one's friends are 'thicker than blood' BUT with Rina and Romeo we family ties in the Lord Jesus, who gave His blood on the cross. And His blood is unbreakable, outrangking any family blood!

We love you lots and lots... like jellytots.


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Men can fix anything - Really? Yes! Anything? Yip

Some men fix broken stuff and others destroy the item they tried to fix... are you married to a fixer or fix-it - at all cost ?!.

I'm married to a fixer - how do I know this? The item is recognisable after being fixed!

Marnus and his cat pal

Pic taken at Harnas, Gobabis [Namibia] > Harnas Rehabilitation Project

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Hungry, dear?

Where do they get the money to eat this much in a recession climate? Can you imagine their grocery bills?  Do they eat 'trolley for trolley'? And what does one answer if she asks you 'am I fat'?  You say 'no dear, you're just big boned ...nothing you can do about it - it's heridatory'!  It's in your 'jeans'. Nee, sies man!  It's a real disgrace and to show your face...

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Do-A-Deer-A-Female-Deer... Weighing 1 lb.

This lady is raised in a rehabilitation centre in the USA after her mom was killed by a car. Even the staff at the centre did not believe she could make it! Weighing only 1 lb. made things so much more  difficult. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Dr. with no-nonsense attitude

I have an attached email with .pdf file that is doing the rounds. 

Dr Resha Maharaj from KwaZulu Natal puts in writing [on his prescription pad] that the 'patient' Kabelo Modise comes to him EVERY Monday requesting sick leave because of an ungoing headache problem.... The dr. says on the note that Mr Modise is intoxicated with alcohol EVERY time and thus not worthy of sick leave and not suffering from any ailment!

Maybe this is a joke, but the practice nr., address of surgery, etc. is printed on the form - we all know what the typical prescription pad doctors use look like [to scribble a sick leave note or prescription for chemist]!  

Haiti Miracles

Rescued (Carolyn Cole / Los Angeles Times / January 26, 2010)

U.S. Army Spc. Nelson Whitney of the 82nd Airborne Division assists a severely dehydrated man who was pulled out of the rubble of a collapsed building in downtown Port-au-Prince. It is unknown whether he had been trapped for two weeks or much longer since the original earthquake.

A woman who had been trapped under rubble for nearly a month in a collapsed building in Port-au-Prince was brought to the new YWAM medical centre here in St Marc. She had x-rays taken at the local hospital, which indicated that she had a fractured pelvis. She was lying on the floor in the medical centre on a sheet (as there are no beds or chairs available yet for the patients) when she began enquiring of three children. She told staff that when she was trapped in the rubble, she had said to God that she would give her life to Jesus if she was allowed to survive. God had then given her a vision of three children who would pray with her, and if she repented of her sins and gave her life to Christ, then she would be healed. Well, when she descibed the three children - whom she had never met - they turned out to be Terry Snow's three children. Terry Snow is the national and YWAM base director for Haiti. The children were asked to visit the woman and her eyes lit up when she saw them. They prayed for her, and she did repent and give her life to Jesus!! Praise God! She said that she had experienced great resistance from Satan not to give up voodoo while she was praying. The woman immediately felt better and got up to walk around - slowly at first - then started dancing as she realised that her pain had gone! At first, the doctors didn't believe it, but there was no denying it; the woman was up and dancing without pain. The women were crying and the men were deeply moved (and trying not to cry in public!). God is working miracles here everyday!

Gisternag het die Sweedse reddingspan wat saam met ons ouens werk, 'n man wat rys gekoop het in die mark die middag van die aardbewing, uit die rommel gehaal. LEWENDIG. Hy was 'n maand lank begrawe! Hy was deurmekaar, totaal gedehidreerd en al die ander dinge wat met so iets gepaard gaan. Toe hy weer dinge begin verstaan en meer duidelik kon praat - na 'n paar uur noodhulp - het hy die heeltyd geprewel: "Waar is die man met die wit klere wat elke dag vir my water gebring het?"
